Proven ability to deliver quality, to care, to transform and to build a better world.


Southey Offshore is committed to transparent, honest and sustainable business practices – putting our people, economic transformation and the environment at the core of everything we do. Our organisation is driven by principles and values that include humility, accountability, entrepreneurial flair, respect, trust of our employees and, of course, the highest of corporate governance standards.

IMS – integrated management system

Proven Excellence

As such a variety of certifications and other documents are made available for public download – please make your selection below or contact for any special queries.

Southey Offshore ABS

Southey Offshore ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001

Southey Offshore DNV

Southey Offshore SCOD - ISO 9001,14001 & OHSAS 18001 - 2018-2021

Southey Offshore IRATA

Southey Offshore DROPS

Southey Offshore WJA

Getting started with Southey Offshore

Southey Contracting Ltd
Unit 8E, 335 Place Parcel #88,
Block 6, N1, North Dzorwulu,
Accra, Ghana
M: +233 302 908 912

Southey Mozambique Lda
Avenida Guerra Popular, 1028 1st Floor, Maputo, Mozambique
T: +27 11 608 6500
T: +258 21 311 938

Southey Mauritius
Suite 020 Grand Baie Business Park Geranium Street, Grand Baie
Republic of Mauritius
T: +230 263 6511

Southey Contracting Offshore Division
6a Marine Drive, Paarden Eiland 7405 Cape Town, South Africa
T: +27 21 512 2900
F: +27 21 510 0299

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